I love how paying a little extra for our food can make such an impact. Eating organic doesn't just give me peace of mind, but also keeps my family safe from ingesting
pesticides and other harmful ingredients.

I especially think this rings true when it comes to grocery shopping. I've found myself buying more locally sourced products lately because there's nowhere near as much choice available on store shelves these days--especially if you want smaller farms who share similar values as yours offering what they produce (and at reasonable prices too!). A dollar here or there really does add up over time when it comes to our health; which is why smart shoppers won't mind spending their a dollar or two more on higher quality, healthier food.
While the United States has a long history of regulating food safety and quality, many countries lack these standards. For this reason I choose to buy US sourced beef because it ensures my family will be eating higher quality meat when we prepare meals at home. The extra control, transparency and traceability of US sourced products gives me confidence that my family is eating better food. In other words I can be assured it's free from steroids, hormones, or any harmful chemicals.
I was always under the impression that "Product of USA" meant homegrown, but then I found out it just means prepared in America. This technical loophole allows cows born-and raised outside our country's watchful eye to be imported and slaughtered here and for people who care about quality meat--left me with an uneasy feeling. The more I learned, the less confidence I had in my purchases.
To be a truly US-born and raised individual, I now look to the brands for guidance. Why would any company with top quality products put their reputation at stake by branding themselves as something they’re not? Brands spend countless hours verifying farms before partnering up so it makes sense that we should all take what these companies say seriously!